See Our Story!
Mount Sinai Hospital has a special place in our hearts. Our experience at MSH restored our faith in humanity and as a result, we made a commitment to give back to them in any way we can. Our son Gabriel, was born prematurely at 26 weeks, and we spent 146 days at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. An experience like no other.
[See more... video]
We support the hospital by volunteering for different programs, such as Parent Buddy for families who are still in the NICU; part of the Parent Advisory Committee; speaking engagements to empower families still in the NICU and fundraising events; we provide education for professionals and parents of preterm babies.
Fabiana became an ambassador of the Family Integrated Care Program, FICare, a new model of care developed by Mount Sinai Hospital. Parents are integrated into the care of their baby and are seen as partners in the NICU care team. (Learn more: www.familyintegratedcare.com)
She also joined the Board of Directors of the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation

Caring for premature babies
Published May 6, 2016
Friday May 6, 2016:
A groundbreaking new study finds premature babies are healthier when cared for by parents during their hospital stay. The findings prompted Mount Sinai to develop its own family integrated care program.
Past Projects

Easter Seals Telethon 2016

Taking life one day at a time
March 2, 2015 by Franco Cignelli
Easter Seals came to our life after Gabriel was diagnosed with CP in 2014. Easter Seals has helped our family and thousands of families to acquire accessibility equipment for our differently abled children.

Upper Canada Mall Easter Seals - 2015

Silvercreek Pre-School in Etobicoke, ON.

Silver Creek Pre-School in Etobicoke, Ontario
In 2014, our son Gabriel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy also referred to as CP. In simple terms, it is a lack of muscle control due to an injury to the developing brain. It’s not a barrier to leading a full and satisfying life, however, the barriers are caused by external forces such as inaccessibility and exclusion. Our goal is to help minimize some barriers for our school community so every child has the right to play and have fun and just be a kid!
Silver-Creek, Gabriel’s current school, provides a unique setting for children with physical and developmental challenges.
The school is working on raising funds for a special capital project: an accessible, naturalized playscape. This playground will promote social interactions and imaginative play out-of-doors. Their inclusive playground will be designed with a variety of play opportunities that are both fun and challenging for children of all abilities.
The total cost is $120K and we are very grateful to all our friends who helped us to raise $16k for this incredible playground. The construction started on June 19th and it should be ready in the Fall.
We are looking forward to see Gabriel having fun with his friends in the Playscape.
To learn more visit: www.silvercreekpreschool.ca

Serving children with special needs, their families and the community since 1975.

Thank you
for your support!
The playground is now completed
and the kids are having a lot of fun
playing there.

We thank you for your donation.